
The use of degradable plastics

The use of degradable plastics has two main areas: First, the original use ordinary plastic field. In these areas,agricultural sprayer  the use of post-consumer plastics or difficult to collect back damage to the environment, such as agricultural film and disposable plastic packaging, plastic instead of other materials is based on two areas. Use of biodegradable plastics in these areas can bring convenience, such as golf courses with the ball screw, rainforest reforestation seedlings with fixing material. Specific application areas are as follows:
1 Agriculture and Forestry, mulch, water retention materials, nursery pot, seedbed, rope, pesticides and agricultural fertilizer release material.
2. Packaging, shopping bags, garbage bags, compost bags, disposable lunch boxes, instant noodle bowls, cushion packaging materials
3 groceries, disposable tableware (knives, forks, chopsticks) toys, disposable gloves, disposable table linen.
4. Sporting Goods,household sprayer  Golf Courses ball screw and ball seat
5. Hygiene products, feminine hygiene products, baby diapers, medical mattress, disposable shavers.
6. Pharmaceutical timber, bandages, clamps, swab with a small stick, gloves, drug delivery materials, as well as surgical sutures and fracture fixation materials.

