
Use of these pesticides

Smog laws. Oil solution of the pesticide dispersion state of a method of application of smoke . Smoke France must take advantage of special equipment to put oily smoke pesticide dispersed state . Smoke generally refers to the diameter of 0.1 to 10 micron particles in the air dispersion. Solid particles are known as smoke, fog liquid called . Droplets of liquid smoke is left after evaporation of the solvent a solid prills . As the smoke particles is small, suspended in the air a long time, deposition distribution, control efficiency higher than the general law and dusting garden pressure sprayers spray method .

Shi Rafah . Throw granular pesticide application methods . Coarse particles of granules , the applicator has little effect by the air , ground and essentially does not occur easily drift , especially for the ground , paddy fields and soil treatment . Withdraw facilities using a variety of methods, such as hand throw ( toxic agents ) , manually operated Caesar granulator throw , throw motorized Sarah machine , soil Shi granulator spraying and so on.

Wipe application methods . This is the use of pesticides in recent years the emergence of new use of technology, in terms herbicides have been large scale applications . The specific method of application , is a group of short , composed of bare nylon rope , the rope end is connected with the herbicide solution , the capillary and gravity flow of liquid into the drug rope , when the spraying machine through the spread of weeds field , the absorption of the drug ropes higher herbicide weed growth can wipe the top , but not to rub the crops grow shorter . Wipe herbicide hand sprayer spraying method used for dosing , significantly lower than normal sprays . Because almost all pharmaceutical facilities on the weeds , had this application methods crops from injury, nor droplet drift , control costs and save .

