
Common botanical pesticides in organic vegetable production application

In conventional agriculture , plant pest and disease control rely mainly on large-scale use of chemical pesticides , which is caused by harmful residues major cause of pollution . With the development of international agricultural trade and national awareness of food safety standards, pollution-free food production is rising rapidly . Production of pollution-free food , the first problem to be solved is the chemical pesticide residues pollution problems, namely the prohibitions and restrictions on the use of chemical pesticides . Use of existing resources, preparation plant insecticide fungicide pesticide to combat the production of pollution-free vegetables, vegetable pests , no residue , no pollution, no adverse effects. Many different types of plant pesticides , are cheap and easy to get a brief introduction of several botanical pesticides.

( A ) chili peppers are widely grown in our country , ripe fruit has insecticidal effect, but outside of the seed coat and the highest content of seeds pesticidal substance .

Mode of action : stomach poison ,portable power sprayer insecticide , poor feeding, fumigant.

Control target: various vegetables aphids, whiteflies and other caterpillar .

Usage: chili powder into powder , add water and stir 50 times , overnight , filtered with a cloth sprayed on crops . Or chili grind into a fine powder , add water, add soap flakes or liquid soap , stir , sprinkle on crops .

( Two ) Garlic Garlic widely planted in the fields , gardens and courtyards , the various parts of the plant contain the active ingredient allicin sterilization .

Mode of action : to kill bacteria, fungi and nematodes .

Control target: vegetable root-knot nematode , Botrytis , bean rust, angular leaf spot of cucumber , melons and potatoes anthrax storage diseases .

How to use: 1kg peeled and smashed garlic , add water 2kg, soak 0.5 hours and then filtered to the residue Serve. With a 20-fold when diluted with water spray can.

When there is a peeled garlic processing step , peeled , first cut pedicle garlic , soaked in water for 24 hours immersion cylinder , then remove and peel . Garlic bulb contains a lot of water allicin, can use this water clarification to the complex, liquid sprayer sprayed directly control a variety of diseases , and would be the utilization of waste .

