
Classification of water mist extinguishing system

Mist nozzles, containing one or more orifices, means can be atomized droplets, which is the most critical parts of the system. Produce water mist nozzles principle particles of the following five methods, the liquid with respect to the surrounding air is released at high speed, because the speed difference between the liquid and air and water particles to be shredded; liquid touch to a fixed surface, to produce water particles due to collision; two shares a similar flow components collide particles per water flow are formed; electronic ground vibration or liquid particles into water (ultrasound and electrostatic atomizer); liquid in a pressure vessel is heated to above its boiling point, atmospheric pressure is suddenly released to the state (liquid spray burst).

According to different standards of water mist systems can be divided into the following systems:

Low pressure system, the working pressure is less than 12.1bar (175psi *); medium voltage systems, working pressure 12.1bar (175psi) ~ 34.5 bar (500 psi); pressure systems, working pressure greater than 34.5bar (500psi).

Local Application System (Local Application Systems), such as protection of steam turbine bearings, refinery heat pumps; total flooding systems (Total Flooding Application Systems), to protect the entire protected area, such as gas turbine engine room.

Prefabricated systems (Preengineered Systems), such as compressed gas cylinders driven Shuangliu systems, cylinder and tank has several kinds of specifications, are processed in the factory, the design size of the area under the protection zone to choose; Engineering Systems (Engineered Systems) , its composition and working methods similar to conventional deluge system (Deluge Systems).

Single-stream media system (Single Fluid Media Systems) and dual media garden sprayers  spray system (Twin Fluid Media Systems). Single-stream media system is the only water as the extinguishing agent supply pipe to the nozzle by the way. System consists of a nozzle, water pump deluge valves, detectors and controller. Double medium spray system, water and atomizing medium are supplied by different lines, and in the mixing nozzle, the collision produces water particles, the shape of the liquid sprayer spray nozzle shown in Figure 3. Atomizing medium is divided into two parts, one for pushing water storage tank, and the other way directly supplied to the nozzle. Water storage tank at atmospheric pressure, fire pushed by the high-pressure gas into the protected area. Atomizing medium is mixed with water and can produce a high pressure water mist air or other gases.

