
Introduction of low volume spraying

Low volume spraying, also known as micro-spray, is the use of motorized sprayer DFH type 18, with water or oil as the carrier, the concentration of pesticides in 3-10%, per acre knapsack sprayer spray volume of 0.5 to 2.5 liters, the droplet diameter 80-150 microns, a cumulative spray drift. Less water for a large area pest control, does not apply to agricultural chemical weeding. Micro-spray rain erosion resistant, long duration of advantages, but by the climate impact, spray drift loss of large, relatively strict application techniques, could easily lead to crop injury and livestock poisoning, not commonly used in pest control.


ULV, also known as micro-spray, is the use of DFH 18 type motor plus ultra low volume sprayer nozzle spray to oil or water as the carrier, pesticide concentration 10-60% per acre chemical sprayer spray volume from 0.15 to 0.5 l, the median droplet diameter of 15 to 75 microns, is a cumulative spray drift. For small water areas, explosive pest control, chemical weed control can not be used for farmland. With high efficiency, saving pesticides, prevention and treatment in a timely manner, without water advantages, but strict operating techniques, the droplet by the flow impact, improper application will produce injury.

