
Look Sprayer Market

knapsack power sprayer: market prospects
Knapsack power sprayer compared with manual sprayers has many advantages: Spray stable and reliable performance, long service life, the use of a wide range of labor-saving, high efficiency. Although the current high prices, market competitiveness in general, but with the economic development and increase the income of farmers and plant protection services are increasingly socialized, Knapsack motorized (electric) sprayer will have a larger space for development.
In the survey, a reporter was impressed by the technical support of the United States, the latest launch of the third generation of intelligent high pressure sprayer champion, according to the staff, said the aircraft as ordinary electric sprayer overcome many defects, since Earlier this year, the market has already sold nearly 30 provinces, municipalities, and exports of Vietnam and other countries. A Jiangsu merchants pleased to say that this product is still sold well, people feel good with the latter, pressure, good atomization, high efficiency, playing in just a few cents a dose, simulate human back box with curved design , burdened by feeling comfortable, the most critical is fully sealed lid, saying that he would spot the entire drug inverted bucket full of liquid, even leak, drew bursts of applause sidelines friends of farmers.

